Common questions and answers

What can I find here ?
Here you will find a collection of unique, immersive recordings of nature, captured with high-quality microphones, using modern 3D recording techniques for high realism. All recordings are authentic and have not been artificially designed by layering different recordings. They have been carefully selected, edited, mixed and mastered.
What is a soundscape ?
A soundscape is any collection of sounds in an immersive environment. The same way a painting is a collection of visual attractions a soundscape is an acoustical painting. Murray Schäfer, who is a pioneer in the research of the term soundscape and the discipline soundscape ecology refers to it as “the acoustical characteristics of an area that reflect natural processes.” The elements of a soundscape can be described by the following terms first introduced by Bernie L. Krause: Geophony is the collection of all non-biological sounds created by nature like water, wind, rain, thunder etc. Biophony is the collection of all sounds created by animals. Anthropophony are the sounds created by humans.
What is a binaural recording ?
A binaural recording is often referred to as a 3D sound and requires headphones to be fully enjoyed. Using two microphones arranged like ears to capture the psychoacoustics of an environment, it convincingly reproduces the location of sound behind, ahead, above, and wherever else the sound comes from during recording. You hear sounds the way nature intended, the way our two ears would naturally hear the world
How do you record binaural ?
There are basically two ways to make a binaural recording. The first option is to record by using a dummy head with implemented microphones in its silicon ears, like the Neumann KU 100 Dummy Head Microphone; the second option is to record by using two omnidirectional, tiny microphones inside your ears. I am using the second option by putting two DPA 4060 microphones in my ears.
What is an ambisonic recording ?
Ambisonics is a technique of recording spatial sound in both, horizontal and vertical surround from a single point source. The easiest way to record ambisonics is with a single microphone, like the Sennheiser Ambeo, which has four capsules in a tetrahedral arrangement. The microphone captures spatial audio for 360 videos and VR. As a result, you get fully spherical ambisonics sound to match your VR video/spherical 360 content. The format or the multichannel recording provides you with much liberty because it can be converted to different formats for different speaker arrangements (stereo, binaural, 5.1, 7.1). Ambisonic recordings in B-Format can also be binauralized in real-time to match the direction of a 360-video and will respond to changes in head rotation by using VR-headsets.
What am I allowed to do with the recordings?
Check the license-EULA page for more information
In which countries did you record ?
I have been recording in Peru, Colombia, Brasil, Laos, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Cambodia, Switzerland and Greece up to the present day
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